09 427 0550 nhl@nhlaw.co.nz
North Harbour Law Directors standing candidly in a park setting

Any questions? Please contact us and we’ll be really happy to explain how we can help get you sorted.

North Harbour Law are your local family and business lawyers providing legal services for Orewa, Red Beach, Silverdale, Whangaparaoa and the North Shore.

If you have any questions, would like an indication of what our fees will be, or would like to make an appointment, please contact us and we’ll be happy to get you sorted.

Contact Information

North Harbour Law House
3 Alice Avenue, Orewa 0931
PO Box 104, Orewa 0946

Phone: 09 427 0550
Email: nhl@nhlaw.co.nz
Fax: 09 426 3426
DX BP 60001

Business Hours

Monday – Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm

Contact our Directors

Jeanine Mitchell
DDI: (09) 427 0757
Email: jeanine@nhlaw.co.nz

Michael Hawkins
DDI: (09) 427 0549
Email: michael@nhlaw.co.nz

William Hunt
DDI: (09) 869 3643
Email: william@nhlaw.co.nz

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All information provided (including electronic data) is held in strictest confidence and will not be disclosed outside the firm or distributed in any way.

Panoramic landscape of Orewa beach with sunrise